The Book Depository

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Searching for God knows What by Donald Miller

As I quite enjoyed listening to Donald Miller audiobook "Million miles in a thousand years" I thought I would check out some other of his books. I always enjoyed Miller's humor which brought in some deep thoughts as well.

While I was in London I had a chance to start reading Blue like Jazz, which is more about his search for truth and finding it, as Miller says, Christian spirituality. I was wondering why he didn't just say Christianity, but I guess that might be to broad and even have negative connotations when compared with some people in christian circles.
I didn't have the time to finish the Blue like Jazz while in London, but a friend of mine heard that I like Donald Miller so she bought me me "Searching for God knows what" as a birthday present.

The Book Depository

As much as I liked Miller in "Million miles.." I felt as he was writing his books to be listened more then read. Funny feeling, but I'll try to explain that one. As I listened to "Million miles in a thousand years" the book felt great. But as I tried to read Searching for God know what I felt like I was reading 4th grade essay on my summer holidays. He would "say" things like: "and then I thought: what if God was... and then I would say to my roomate I just thought "what if God was like.." so he keep repeating himself in trying to explain that he actually did say out loud things which were on his mind.

His life boat theory is probably the best part of the book, and I would like for him to continue developing more on this path. Describing his collage life with his roomates is def not his strong suite.

I must say, as I haven't finished the book yet, I truly do feel as if I am searching for God knows what in this book.


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