The Book Depository

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Notes: Leadership as an Identity

Today we finished with chapter 5 talking about adequacy. Or better yet, inadequacy. It was a great hour and a half. To be honest, I find that Loritts writes a bit too much in white or black scenarios, as if everything is either-or. And I must say that it doesn't speaks to me in that way. But the idea of having 3 other man discussing about it makes all the difference.

Somewhere in the talk we mentioned Kellers book "Prodigal God" which I think I might buy for myself as I tend to respond much like that older brother in the Bible story of a prodigal son.

Loritts emphasis on inadequacy is quite strong and I'm not sure if I have the same mind set as he does on what that really means. Especially when a feeling of inadequacy is easily manipulated by ones perception of his unique giftedness my biggest question was: if I feel so inadequate, am I really a person for the job. Loritts would argue that I certainly am at the place where God wants me to be, but I still question that premise. As he says in chapter five,  "God will put you in situations where you have no choice but to  relay on his miraculous power, strength and intervention". p64

On page 65 he goes to say that, "I have come to firmly believe that inadequacy is always associated with anything that God calls us to do. If as a leader you do not feel weak, you may very well have to answer two fundamental questions..." p65.

Hopefuly as I go thru the book, I'll get a better perception of what he thinks inadequacy really is.

take care, read well.


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